We are not sure how to generate ACA codes. How can ACAwise help us file 1095 forms?
3.4k views | Last modified 10/17/2024 3:30:40 AM EST | Added by ACAwise Team


If you are not confident with generating ACA codes, there is no need to worry. Simply upload your raw data, including your employee census, enrollment, payroll data along with the employee coverage detail, and our team will take over from here. Our support team will process your data, generate the 1094 and 1095 forms with the required ACA codes, and send them to you for review. Upon your approval, we will e-file the forms to the IRS and postal mail copies to your employees.

Getting Started
To get started, get in touch with our ACAwise support team at (704)-954-8420 or email us at [email protected]. Our ACAwise experts will reach out to you to discuss your requirements and set up an ACAwise account for you. 

Share your Data
Sign in to your ACAwise account. If you have your employee’s data in your own template, you can upload it to us.  The acceptable file formats include doc, docx, csv, zip, digital pdf, xls, xlsx, xlxm, or XML.

If you do not have your employee’s data in the above file formats, you can download our ACAwise template. Templates can be found under the template menu in your ACAwise account.

  • If you have employee’s data without ACA codes

Download the appropriate template based on the insurance coverage information available to you. Fill in the required information, such as employer details, employee’s basic details, and insurance coverage details, in the downloaded excel template and upload it for processing. 



Once we are notified that you uploaded the data, we will process your files and contact you with any questions or missing data.  We then continue to generate the 1094 and 1095 forms with ACA codes.

Review and Approval
Once the forms are generated with the required ACA codes, we send them for your review via email. You can review the forms either in PDF format within your ACAwise account or download the forms in Excel format for offline review. Your approval is required before we proceed with e-filing with the IRS. 

Postal Mailing
You may opt for the postal mailing of Employees Copies. We run USPS Address Validations against the employees’ addresses on file. This ensures the forms are delivered to a valid address without any delays.

Other Optional Services
ACAwise provides additional services along with the E-filing of the forms:

  1. TIN Matching
  2. USPS Address Validations
  3. Online Portal providing access to employee copies
  4. E-filing with the states that have passed individual state individual mandates

E-File with the IRS
Upon your approval, we will e-file your 1094 and 1095 Forms to the IRS via the IRS AIR system. We will also notify you when we receive a status from the IRS.

Click here to learn more about the services ACAwise offers.

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