What provisions are available in ACAwise for clients to review their 1095s before transmission to the IRS?
Last modified 10/31/2022 1:07:03 AM EST |
Added by ACAwise Team
After sharing your employee’s data through the ACAwise account we created for you, we will process your data, generate the forms based on the data you provided and send them to you for your review.
Once you receive an email notification from us, you can sign in to your ACAwise account, review the form directly in a pdf format (on-page review), download the file in excel format, and review it offline before transmitting it to the IRS.
1. On-page review of form 1095-Cs
To review the forms directly in the ACAwise account.
- Sign in to your ACAwise account.
- Choose the Business to view the dashboard.
- Click ACA Forms and select the Form Approval button. You can view the number of forms generated by us for your business.
- You can also download and review the generated ACA forms of your employees under the Action column.
If any errors are found during the review, you can request a correction. We will regenerate forms based on your request and send them again for your review and approval. Upon your approval, we will continue e-filing with the IRS and postal mailing copies of your employees' forms.