What file formats can be uploaded into the ACAwise?
715 views | Last modified 10/31/2022 2:25:59 AM EST | Added by ACAwise Team

If you have your employee’s health coverage information in an existing template, you can upload it using your ACAwise account. The acceptable file formats are doc, docx, csv, zip, digital pdf, xls, xlsx, or XML.

Please note, Scanned PDFs are not allowed. 

If you don't have your employee’s ACA data in your own template or in the above file formats, you can download the ACAwise excel template from your ACAwise account. The template is found under the templates menu.

You can download the appropriate form template and fill in the required information. This includes the employee’s basic details, the employee’s offer, and coverage details, along with covered individuals. When your template is complete, upload it for processing.



You can download the appropriate template based on the insurance coverage information. Fill in the required information, such as employer details, employee’s basic details, and insurance coverage details, in the downloaded excel template and upload it for processing them.

Once you have uploaded your file, we will process your data, generate the 1094 and 1095 forms with the required ACA codes, and send them for your review. Upon your approval, we will e-file the forms to the IRS and postal mail copies of the forms to your employees.

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