What is IRS Form 1095-C?
Last modified 11/3/2023 1:52:49 AM EST
Form 1095-C is an IRS tax form used by Applicable Large Employers (employers with 50 or more full-time employees ) to report their employee’s health insurance coverage information to the IRS.
Form 1095-C has three parts that communicate different information to the IRS.
Part I- Employee and Applicable Large Employer Details
Part II- Employee Offer of Coverage Details
Part III- used by the Applicable Large Employers offering self-insured plans to report about their covered individuals to the IRS.
If you’re an ALE looking to generate and e-file your 1095-C forms, get in touch with our ACAwise support team. After learning more about your requirements, we can set up your ACAwise account. From there, you can log in to your account and upload your employee’s ACA data. We then generate and e-file your ACA Form 1095-C with the IRS and your state, if necessary. You may also opt for the postal mailing of 1095 copies to your employees.