Which employees ALEs not required to File a Form 1095-C?
1.4k views | Last modified 4/13/2024 3:42:28 AM EST

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), ALEs (employers with 50+ more full-time equivalent employees) must report their full-time employee's healthcare coverage information to the IRS, using Form 1095-C.

On the other hand, ALEs are not required to file Form 1095-C to the IRS for the following employees (unless the employee or their dependents was covered in a self-insured health plan sponsored by an ALE Member):

  • A hired employee who was not a full-time employee in the organization for any month of the calendar year; or
  • A hired employee who was in a limited non-assessment period for all 12 months of the year. For example, a newly hired variable-hour employee, still in their initial training period.

If you are unsure whether you are an ALE (50+ more full-time employees) required to report Form 1095-C to the IRS, get in touch with our ACAwise team. We can generate a monthly report using the data you provide. We will let you know how many hours your employees worked and help determine when they should be offered coverage. We can also track your ALE status and the affordability of your group health insurance. 

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