What are the ACA Reporting requirements under IRC Section 6056?
1.0k views | Last modified 10/17/2022 5:20:35 AM EST

The Affordable Care Act added section 6056 to the Internal Revenue Code, which requires every Applicable Large Employer (employer having 50+ more full-time or full-time equivalent employees) to file health insurance coverage information offered to their full-time employees using Form 1095-C with the IRS and furnish copies of Form 1095-C to the enrolled employees on-time.

Note: A full-time employee is one who was employed on average at least 30 hours of service per week or 130 hours of service per month.

To know whether you’re an ALE to meet ACA reporting requirements under section 6056, Check out your ALE status with our ALE status calculator.


Reporting Requirements Deadline
Distribution of Recipient Copy  March 02, 2023
Electronic Filing 
March 31, 2023
Paper Filing 
February 28, 2023


If you are an ALE member, looking to meet information reporting requirements under IRC section 6056, get in touch with ACAwise. Our team helps you file your ACA Forms with the IRS, State, and even distributes 1095-C copies to your employees on time. This saves you from the risk of unwanted IRS penalties.

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