ACAwise Support
Find answers to your questions.
Top FAQs
- What is the difference between Forms 1095-A, 1095-B, and 1095-C?
- I have the necessary ACA codes, how does ACAwise generate and e-file my 1095s?
- What is an ACA Employer Mandate Penalty by the IRS?
- How to correct and notify the TIN failed employees to the ACAwise team?
- We are not sure how to generate ACA codes. How can ACAwise help us file 1095 forms?
- What is the deadline for employers to meet ACA reporting requirements?
- What is IRS Form 1095-C?
- How do I transfer my ACA data into ACAwise?
- What do the line 16 ACA codes on Form 1095-C mean?
- What does line 14 ACA codes on Form 1095-C mean?
Trending Questions
- I have the necessary ACA codes, how does ACAwise generate and e-file my 1095s?
- How to correct and notify the TIN failed employees to the ACAwise team?
- We are not sure how to generate ACA codes. How can ACAwise help us file 1095 forms?
- What is the deadline for employers to meet ACA reporting requirements?
- How do I transfer my ACA data into ACAwise?